A Chat GPT Primer—And Warning
Chat GPT is a powerful AI language model that can help with a wide range of tasks. But scams lure on the horizon, too! Check this primer and get ahe…

AI Agents Are Revolutionizing Every Office Job
Artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer just a buzzword. While tools like ChatGPT, Copilot, Gemini and Grok have propelled AI into the mainstream, t…

AI Makes It Easier to Fall for Scam Emails!
With scam emails getting more professional through AI, chances rise of you falling for one. Our video and resources are here to help.

AI: From Fun to Violations
The increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) and technological innovations are happening faster than us people can keep up with.

Are Deepfake Videos Impacting You?
Deepfakes are mischievous and misleading, most of the time. Have you spotted one yet, or worse, fallen for one?

Fact, Opinion, Misinformation, Fake News, DeepFakes. What's the Difference?
The internet has made an immense amount of information easily available to us. Yet not all of that information is reliable. Unreliable information can…

How Is Artificial Intelligence (AI) Impacting You?
Every link you click on and even your mouse movements are monitored and collected by some algorithm. All then used to send you targeted ads through …

How to Recognize AI Generated Images and Videos (Artificial Intelligence)
The Pope in a puffer jacket, an explosion at the Pentagon, Boris Johnson, former UK Prime Minister, getting arrested…. Fake AI generated images ar…

Is AI Impacting Our Finances?
AI is everywhere, also in the financial world. Is that impacting your financial decisions and your pocketbook? Probably...

Learn to Recognize Deepfake Videos
Ever encountered a "DeepFake" video? Chances are you've seen one, but you didn't realize it was fake.

Video: AI - From Fun to Violations
AI is everywhere nowadays. How is that impacting your life? Learn more about AI and how to keep you safe with this video.
Then start with our Tackl…

What's Not to Like About Artificial Intelligence (AI)?
Nothing is what it is was like, when it comes to AI and information and data. If you like roaming the web, this video is for you...
Also read and s…