Do You Need a VPN (Virtual Private Network)?
Surfing the web can be dangerous on many different levels. We all know that. With a simple click you can download malware, ransomware or viruses. And …

Do You Need Renters Insurance?
Why do you need renters insurance? Or health insurance? Well, let’s see what happens if you don’t have it…

Do You Recognize Fake News?
Fake news… Everybody's talking about it. But what is it? And how can you distinguish real news from fake? The tips in this video will help you.

Even Fraudsters Have Resolutions
Resolve to Lose Weight This Year!
"I lost 40lbs in 15 days eating cake, ice cream, and cookies."
Image of a per…

Ever Considered a Two-Year Community College or Four-Year State University?
Didn't make it to your dream university this fall? Excellent!
Jealous that your friends are heading to that fancy out-of-state University? Forget it…

Ever Considered a Two-Year Community College or Four-Year State University?
Didn't make it to your dream university this fall? Excellent!
Jealous that your friends are heading to that fancy out-of-state University? Forget it…

Ever Heard of Malvertising?
They're malicious ads in search engine results! Chances are, this is impacting you without you knowing it!
Watch the video to learn more.

Experts Agree: You Can Trust Ads!
Sure, advertisers want you to trust them. But can you? Dig into this video to get some truths about ads.

Facebook User? Be Alert for These Scams
With millions of daily users, Facebook has become an effective way for scammers to find victims. There are many scams and variations. Most are after y…

Fed Up with Robocalls?
How many robocalls do you receive every day? Many of us receive numerous calls a day. While there are legitimate reasons to use recorded or automated …

Financial Products You Should Avoid!
Recently, I was asked to weigh in as an expert on "what financial products consumers should avoid", as part of an article on the WalletHacks website.

Flipping Money Scams on Social Networks!
Ever heard of a "money flipping" scam?
Hundreds of (young) people fall prey to money flipping scams on social media every day. It happens on Facebook…

Flipping Money Scams on Social Networks!
Ever heard of a "money flipping" scam?
Hundreds of (young) people fall prey to money flipping scams on social media every day. It happens on Facebook…

FoolProof Top 10 Scams: Beware of the Red-Lipped Batfish Trick!
You're pretty "foolproof," right? You don't fall for those obvious scams that make you look and feel like a fool, do you?
When you look at FoolProof'…

FoolProof Yourself for the 21st Century!
Use caution. Question sellers. Rely on research.
Sound familiar? Great! FoolProof's mantra is a good one for you to keep in mind. Why? Because it rep…

FoolProof's Top 238 Money Mistakes to Avoid in College
If we wanted to, we could probably come up with hundreds of ways college students throw away money. I know. I made a lot of mistakes when I was younge…

FoolProof's Top 5 Funky Saving Tips (And a Few Others)
Life seems to be getting more and more expensive. So, whenever I get the chance to save some money, I take advantage of it! Here are a few different w…

From Credit Card to Credit Score?
Here's how your credit card can impact your credit score, and how your score impacts your life.

Gas Prices Hurting Your Wallet? Check Out These Tips
When gas prices increase, your wallet can feel the pinch. Fluctuating prices make it hard to budget. The following tips can help you save money wheth…

Get Ready for the Holidays and Comparison Shop!
If you think shopping online is cheaper and easier this holiday season, think again. Here are some caveats...
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