Oddball Tips for Saving Money

Being smart about money is more important now—when you're young—than when you're older. Why?

Smart habits learned now will stay with you, but more important, any money you stick in a savings plan at 20, has a lot more years to earn interest than money you stick in a savings plan at 40.

Budgeting and saving don't have to be boring. Be creative and have fun!

And guess what? You can save some money now, even if you're working two jobs just to get by or attend school.

Use These Tips

Use these oddball tips to stow a little money away where you can't touch it!

  1. Get a savings account now, if you don't have one. Stow money there until you get enough money to start an investment or some retirement plan. Don't laugh. Even if you're in your teens, you need to be thinking long-term.

  2. Hang out with people who are careful with their money. Cutting your spending is easier when the crowd you run with is trying to do the same thing.

  3. Lower every expense, every time. Here are a few starter ideas for budget cuts, and put the savings in your account.

    • Learn to love tap water. Water is always cheaper than soft drinks and better for you. Squeeze half a lime in a quart of water and bingo instant flavored water. Works with lemons or mint too.

    • Eat off smaller plates. This is science speaking. People who use smaller plates eat less spend less on food and drop excess pounds too. (www.bluezones.com will give you lots of tips on saving money and building health when it comes to food.)

    • Spend time, not money, on food preparation. A pound of sliced ham can cost $20. A whole ham at a discount store can cost $20. Slice and freeze.

  4. Make one day a week a "spending-free day". This sounds weird, but it will give you courage, and isn't as hard as you think.

    • Make sandwiches for lunch and break out the Noodle packs for dinner. Invite friends for dinner, but tell them to bring their own eats.

    • Find a free way to get around. Use a bike, or bum a ride. But spend no money on transportation.

    • Find a free day at a paying entertainment. Plenty of zoos, museums, and exhibits have free hours or days.

  5. Quit taking your phone with payment app, or even your debit or credit cards with you everywhere. These payment options have a way of sneaking out of your pocket or wallet and running up charges. Leave them at home. Take cash only.

  6. Lower your electric bill. Very easy to do.

    • Turn your heat down a few degrees, and wear a sweater. In the summer, make the A.C. warmer, and wear a t-shirt when you're at home.

    • Seal the cracks around doors and windows! Easiest savings tip in the world. Buy a calking gun, and get to work.

  7. Buy more! That is, buy bulk quantities of everyday items like toilet paper or shampoo, and buy from a discount house.

  8. Become a fringe buyer. Buy your summer clothes at the end of the summer, your winter clothes as winter winds down. And don't forget to shop at used clothing stores. Head to stores in fancy neighborhoods.

  9. Fall in love with coupons! Young people don't "coupon," which is money wasted. And even coupons moved online, to your app, whatever.

  10. Wash the car! Actually, wash it after you have it serviced. Serviced vehicles really do run better and have less breakdowns, which are always budget breakers.

Be Creative

Budgeting and saving don't have to be boring. Be creative. Plus, look at the other content recommendations right here, too. There are lots of tips to help you with this money stuff!

Ciao, Will.