Should You Use Check Cashing-Services?
Do you know anybody who uses check cashing services or someone that buys money orders to pay bills?
Flipping Money Scams on Social Networks!
Hundreds of (young) people fall prey to money flipping scams on social media every day. It happens on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, you name it.
One Day Late on a Payment... Who Cares?!
Gary, a 23-year-old student, was one day late when he paid his first of twelve payments on his new laptop. He'd gotten a great deal, too: a $2,300 machine for 1100 bucks.
Credit Cards Gone Wild!
Here are a few of the many things one very major credit card company says in their "terms and conditions."
The Dangers of Randomly Clicking Links
Randomly clicking links or going to unknown websites on your computer, phone, or even smart TV can put you at risk of covertly downloaded software intended to damage or disable your computer or other devices.
A Bad Credit Score
So much of your life is ruled by your credit score, the number that tells the world whether credit bureaus think you are a good risk, or not.
Are You Ready for "Native Advertising"?
When conducting web searches, do you know how to tell the difference between search results that give you really helpful information and advertisements that may give you nothing useful at all (or try to sell you things)?
Ever Considered a Two-Year Community College or Four-Year State University?
Jealous that your friends are heading to that fancy out-of-state University? Forget it!
Looking for a Roommate?
One version of the Nigerian Scam occurs when some stranger tries to get you to wire back the change from his fraudulent check before it bounces.
Scammers & Checking Accounts
Getting burned by counterfeit checks is something that happens to your local merchants or to other consumers, but not to you or your friends and neighbors, right?
What Would You Do with This Phone Call?
You answer the phone, and there's this nice lady on the phone.
What if you put these real fine print statements into FoolProof language?
There's No Place to Hide!
Sure, you're behind on some bills, but nobody deserves to be treated like this...
What's the Difference in a Bank and a CU?
make your decision on your first financial partner a thoughtful decision.
Dirt on Your Dirt-Bike
People are putting large dollar "toys" for sale on the internet. Dirt bikes, boats, cars, etc. are sold on websites like ebay all the time.
Are You Part of the Plastic Generation?
Free Money! You've probably heard that the law changes over the past few years are supposed to protect college-aged young people from a lot of the abuses credit card companies have aimed at us for years.
Talking About Starting a Business from Scratch...
Little Apple Bay, Tortola, British Virgin Islands—If you've ever been in business for yourself, you know the attempt takes courage, hard work, and luck. Doubly so if you're on a tiny island.
Stashing Money Away for Good Times Down the Road
Who wants to be worrying about money all the time? Nobody does.