Do You Budget During Difficult Times? You Should!
If you don't, you’re probably setting yourself up for financial ruin. Check this out...

Does Buying in Bulk Always Make Sense?
No. There's plenty or reasons why you shouldn't. But also why you should, of course. These tips may help you stock up.

Effortless New Ways to Buy and Finance a Vehicle
But Watch Out. Effortless Does Not Guarantee Cheaper Or Better.
Remar founded the Consumer Task Force for Automotive Issues and is the author of a be…

End of the Year Tax Saving Tips
The end of the year is fast approaching and many people are focusing on the holidays. But you should take a bit of time to ensure that you are taking …

FoolProof Saving: How to Save Successfully
For many Americans, the suggestion of having three to six months of savings in an emergency fund is daunting. Ideally, it would be great to have that …

FoolProof's Top 238 Money Mistakes to Avoid in College
If we wanted to, we could probably come up with hundreds of ways college students throw away money. I know. I made a lot of mistakes when I was younge…

FoolProof's Top 5 Funky Saving Tips (And a Few Others)
Life seems to be getting more and more expensive. So, whenever I get the chance to save some money, I take advantage of it! Here are a few different w…

Gas Prices Hurting Your Wallet? Check Out These Tips
When gas prices increase, your wallet can feel the pinch. Fluctuating prices make it hard to budget. The following tips can help you save money wheth…

Gas Prices Hurting Your Wallet? These Tips Can Help
Have you noticed higher gas prices at the pump recently? Gas prices are rising and they are expected to continue their upward trend for a while. The f…

Get Ready for the Holidays and Comparison Shop!
If you think shopping online is cheaper and easier this holiday season, think again. Here are some caveats...

Going Through a Financially Challenging Time?
Financial challenges can be disrupting to your budget, especially if it’s tight. But what if your tight budget actually had more flexibility to acco…

How Much Do You Spend on Subscriptions in a Year?
Subscriptions come in many forms. Magazines, newspapers, websites, apps, newsletters, services, and much more are available by subscription, though it…

How Much Does Impulse Buying Cost You?
Everybody makes impulsive and unplanned buying decisions sometimes. For many people this may wreck their budget. How do you (plan to) stop this impu…

How Often Do You Review Your Insurance Coverage?
Insurance in its various forms helps protect us from financial loss, yet we don't think much about it until we need it. Reviewing your insurance polic…

Is a Payment Plan for (Small) Purchases a Good Idea?
Viewer beware. Though "rent-to-own" plans may seem convenient and affordable, you may be surprised how costly it can really be.

Is Leasing (Electronics) a Good Idea?
Leasing is popular. Computers, phones, TV's; everything is leasable these days. But is it cheaper? Suitable for you? Find out about the advantages a…

Is Online Shopping (Always) Cheaper?
Online shopping prices can be based on the quirkiest variables, from the time of day, your location, or even the devices you use. Better stock up on…

Kids Using Your Smartphone or Tablet? Beware In-App Purchases!
Most free apps feature in-app purchases. If your kids are using your device, they can rack up big bills quick and unintentional! Why wouldn't game c…

Looking for Alternative Gifts This Holiday Season?
What do you think of as alternative gifts? A family trip? Tickets to a special event? Have you considered helping others. Here are a few suggestions f…

Loud Budgeting, and Other Unusual Money Habits That Can Make You Money!
Everybody can use a little extra money every now and then, right? You can work harder or work more, but you could also decide to adjust your money hab…
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