Make Medicare Plan Changes Oct. 15 – Dec. 7: What Needs Review?
If you already receive Medicare, then you need to know that the "open enrollment" period when you can make changes for 2018 extends from October 15 to…

Make the Most of Your Financial Resolutions
What are your financial resolutions? Most people want to save more, spend less, and pay down debt, according to a recent survey from Fidelity. These a…

Money-Saving Helpers!
A.K.A.: Sites that help you, and don't hype you.
Have you ever bought a lemon vehicle, had your ID stolen, or found it difficult to pay your bills? A…

Money-Saving Tips to Lower Your Auto and Gas Costs
Gasoline prices typically fluctuate depending on the season, for example, going up when more people are traveling in the summer. Even a few extra cent…

Needs Vs. Wants: Getting Down and Dirty with That Budget
There's broke, and then there's "digging through your couch cushions for change to buy groceries" broke. I've been both more than once in my life, and…

No Overdraft Fees? What's the Catch?
Keep more of your hard-earned money by knowing which fees impact your accounts.
Overdraft fees have been in the news recently as some large banks hav…

Oddball Tips for Saving Money
Oddball Tips for Saving Money
Being smart about money is more important now—when you're young—than when you're older. Why?
Smart habits …

Paying More: The (Scary) Truth About Online Shopping
You would think shopping online is generally cheaper than shopping at brick and mortar stores, right? You're not paying for the onsite staff or the bu…

Payroll (Debit) Cards: Getting Your Paycheck Deposited on a (Debit) Card
Have you ever heard of payroll cards? Payroll cards are a lot like debit cards—you can use them to pay for items in shops or online, or to withdraw …

Presupuesto Básico 101
¿Estás viviendo a la altura de tus ingresos? ¿Yendo un poco más allá de tus ingresos para llegar a fin de mes, acumulando deudas en la tarjeta de…

Pros and Cons of Money-Saving Apps and Browser Extensions for Online Shopping
There are many browser extensions and apps that want to help you save money when shopping online. Some may find discounts, coupons, best prices, or ca…

Pros and Cons of Paying Over Time
How often do you choose to pay for something over time? You have chosen to pay over time when you've used a loan or credit card to pay for something. …

Really Useful Websites: from Guacamole to Gas
I often browse financial and consumer-related websites and have found that by clicking through these websites (and the additional info links that they…

Save Your Money: When to Buy Generic
According to a recent Gallup study*, one in ten Americans spends more than $300 a month on food. And the average American family will spend about $151…

Saving Money on Entertainment and Shopping
Depending on the time of the year, vacations, holiday shopping, and unexpected expenses can empty wallets. At times like this, you need some entertain…

Saving on Health Care Costs
Health care costs can take a bite out of your wallet. Are you one of the many consumers who are concerned about health care costs? This report looks a…

Secrets to Smart Spending
Why not add a healthy dose of skepticism to your life today?

Should Gas Prices Influence Your Next Vehicle Purchase?
Over the last few months, falling gas prices have made drivers a little giddy. Just the other day, a friend who drives a compact noted cheerfully that…

Should You Change Your Cell Phone Plan?
There are many differences in cell phone plans and providers. Doing some research can save you considerable money. Weigh your options and find the c…

Should You Preload Credit Card Payments?
Do you make credit card purchases before consulting your budget? If so, think about "preloading payments" instead.
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