Skillfully Navigating Student Loans
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of student loans? I hope it's the word "debt."
College can be an important component to yo…

Smart News and the Basic Bias Test: What Makes a Source Trustworthy?
Fake News. Newsfeed bubbles. Partisanship. We hear a lot about bias these days, from just about every direction! Isn't it unavoidable? Bias just means…

Something Smells Phishy!
Phishing has been around for quite some time, and I’m pretty sure you've ran into a phish email or text by now. But scammers are getting smarter b…

Sports Betting: What You Need to Know!
Sports betting means placing wagers on the outcome of sporting events hoping to win money. But like with any betting, it's usually the house that wi…

Starting Your Own (Web-Based) Company?
If you are, beware of bogus web development scams! Scammers are out there, preying on people in need of websites, and try to rip them off in a varie…

Staying up to Date
Should you keep your device's operating system up to date? If you don’t, you may be putting your personal and financial information at risk! This …

Stop Your Apps from Needlessly Sharing Your Location!
Location sharing can be handy while navigating, sure, but not every app needs that access. Most (free) apps collect and sell your location data to a…

Streaming, Cable, Satellite, or Antenna? How Do You Watch TV?
There are many ways to view TV shows, sports, live events, and movies in your home: cable TV, satellite, antenna, and streaming services. Most of us u…

Surprise! You Have a New Sibling
Family members have a way of showing up when you least expect them. No, I'm not talking about when Aunt Ethel mistakenly crashed your dinner party thi…

Sustainability Doesn't Have to Be Expensive
The intention to live a more sustainable life is often there for many people: eat organic food, make sustainable clothing choices, drink tap water rat…

Talking About a Rip-Off!
Have you ever been scammed? It's terrible, no matter how much money you lose. But how do scams happen, and what can you learn from others who have bee…

Taxed on Your Payment App Income?
Tax rules are changing… If you’re using your payment app for your business, you will have to start paying taxes on this income soon. Dig in now.…

The Benefits of Journaling
Okay, think of journaling. What is the first thing that comes to mind? It's likely that it has something to do with "Dear Diary" and high school-sweet…

The Cost of College
Getting an excellent college education doesn't have to break you financially. Think outside the box, and think close to home, and you'll be the one …

The Crowdfunding Phenomena
What is crowdfunding? And what does it have to do with you? Perhaps nothing, or perhaps just not yet, but we think it's important enough for you to kn…

The D Word
You can easily get in trouble when you first get a credit card. But there is a way out - listen to Tessa.

The Danger of High Interest Loans!
If you need money quick, what should you do?
Most of us have been there: we have bills to pay but we're short on cash. And we experience money pressu…

The Height of Credit Repair Pyramid Schemes
The ancient pyramids were built thousands of years ago. And while scammer pyramids aren't that old, they can be just as fascinating. In response to a …

The Longest Vacation of Your Life
Do you want to do what you want, wherever and whenever you want, and money is not a problem? Would you like to go on the longest vacation of your life…

The Lowdown on Super Market-ing
The average American goes grocery shopping between 2-4 per week—is that true for you, too?
When you shop, you come home with more products than…
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