Why Do Underserved Students Go to For-Profit-Schools?
The majority of students from the lower income brackets and the underrepresented racial groups go to for-profit-schools. And that's not (always) goo…

Why Is It So Hard to Scrimp, aka Economize?
Long story short: A vital habit from your stone age relatives still nags you.
While life is becoming more expensive, inflation rates are through the …

With the Holiday Shopping Season Upon Us, Beware of Fake Apps
With more and more people using mobile devices for shopping, scammers have turned to apps to target consumers. Fake retail and product apps have been …

Worried About Your Kids Being Manipulated Online?
If your kids spend time online, they're likely encountering "social media influencers" who may try to manipulate their opinions or decision-making. …

Young and Unemployed
It can be tough to find a job right out of college or high school. It can take months, or even longer. Follow the tips in this video to help boost y…

Young People and Taxes!
Regardless of what job or career you may have during your life and what country you may live in—the U.S. or abroad—you're going to be paying taxes…

Your DNA Is Impacting Your Spending!
Your spending habits today were partly formed back in the caveman days... Talk about old habits dying hard! Get a grip on your spending habits and s…

Your Free Gift Is Waiting
Thank you gifts are the best!
They're often unexpected and make the joy of giving even more special. Just as giving to others can give you the warm f…

Your Smartphone. Attacked.
Your smartphone—right now—is probably the focus of scammers and hackers.
Fraudsters who used to focus on attacking your PC are now a lot …
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